Get Federal Firearms License

New FFL Kit to Help you get your Federal Firearms License and Buy GUNS Wholesale.

It is almost a cliché to say that you either love or hate firearms, but the truth is that weapons in general have been with us since the dawn of human evolution. In fact, weapons – and hence, firearms – are tools more natural to us than scissors or screwdrivers, for they have been with us much longer.

When talking about survival we always have to consider guns and weapons: without them it would be foolish or dangerous to explore in many cases.Indeed, there have been lots of abuses, crimes committed and even dictators around the world rely on weapons to stay in power -so does democracy, by the way -, and it is correct to say that as tools, they are intended to kill.

But we have to see weapons objectively: intended to kill or not, they remain as tools and rarely fire a bullet completely by accident. It is a human being the one who does the shooting, and as such there is always a responsible person for ever single bullet shot. Thus, if we plan on controlling crime or avoid evil by prohibiting guns, the person who now puts a finger over the trigger willingly will eventually find other means to exert brute force.

This, of course, does not imply that there should be no control over firearms and weapons in general, or even what kind of weaponry is being sold: you will hardly need a heavy machine gun for self-defence, or Semtex plastic explosives to kill vermin.

In Switzerland there is no discussion going on about weapons: army reservists keep their full-auto assault rifles at home, and there is no crime related to them. In Israel, while there is indeed a subdued war going on against Palestinians, reservists and soldiers kept their weapons also at home, and there is no internal criminality related to those either.

On the other hand, in Japan firearms are absolutely prohibited, yet there is a large-scale mafia that thrives.

What we say is that more important than fixing our eyes in weapons, the thing to do is to give some serious consideration to the question what’s wrong with human beings?

Full Details On How To Get An Federal Firearms License
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